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The Sleeping Beauty: Classroom Activities & Questions

Teacher Resource for the ballet performance of The Sleeping Beauty.

Activities and Questions

Activities / Questions:


Divide students into groups of five and provide them with the definitions of the concepts — kindness, confidence, grace, vivacity, and song (after the five good fairies). Each group selects one definition, works collaboratively to create meaning of their terms, and then shares with their classmates. 

First, they will need to select a color for their concept. 

Second, they will need to select a gift that conveys their concept. 

Third, they will create a motion that displays their concept.

(For all three they will also need to justify their choices.)



Provide each student with an emotion (example — tired, sad, hungry, excited, thankful, joyous, relief, etc.) which they must convey through their facial and body expressions. After practicing, students can perform for each other and provide constructive feedback on how successful they were in conveying their intent and how they could better convey their intent.

As a class listen to the waltz, then review the waltz movements to the count of 1,2,3, and finally as a class dance the waltz. (Here’s a link if you need one from youtube.)


If you were to re-write The Sleeping Beauty story and place it within a modern-day context, who might the fairies be and what gifts would the fairies give Aurora to suit her role in society, the time and place? How would changing the time, place and context affect the story?


In The Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora pricks her finger on a spindle and falls asleep. Research spindles and their function. How have spindles and other spinning tools changed over time? If The Sleeping Beauty took place in the present, what modern object could be used instead of a spindle? 


The Sleeping Beauty is set in a royal kingdom. Research castles around the world that you think would make an ideal setting for The Sleeping Beauty ballet. Share why you chose this particular castle. 


Aurora and her court slept for 100 years. What are some major changes that would have occurred between 1800 and 1900, or 1900 and 2000? Write a newspaper article about how Aurora would have adapted to these changes. Pretend you are interviewing her. What questions would you ask? How do you think she would respond? 


The Sleeping Beauty ballet is known for its elaborate costumes and sets. Ballet costumes are quite different than normal clothing. What are some of those major differences? Why do these differences exist? 

What are the technical requirements that make elements in a ballet appear to be magical?



Celebrations take place in several of the acts in The Sleeping Beauty. There is a baptism, a birthday, and a wedding reception. How does your family celebrate special occasions? Write about and explain your favorite family tradition or celebration.  


There are many job opportunities that ballet companies offer besides dancing. Investigate the various careers then choose one to research in-depth. List what experience is needed, the job description, schooling, and payment you’d receive. Pick one that interests you and write about why you would want to pursue this career path. 

What is the meaning of Aurora’s name? How would that name sound and be spelled in other languages? What does your name mean? Does that meaning describe your personality? Why or why not? 


The fairies present gifts to Aurora in honor of the princess’s baptism. What gift do you think the Lilac Fairy intended to give? The gifts represent qualities that the princess would obtain. What qualities do the fairies bestow upon Aurora? What qualities do you look for in a person when making friends? What qualities make a person a good person? 


During the baptism celebration for Princess Aurora, each fairy offers her a special gift. Name some of the gifts given to the princess. If you were to give a gift to Aurora, what would it be? How would it help the princess?


Why do fairytales such as The Sleeping Beauty continue to be popular after their origination? Share with others some of your favorite fairytales growing up. Have those been made into modern adaptations? What lessons do we learn about getting along with other people from fairy tales? 

At the christening of Princess Aurora, the fairies dance and offer their special gifts to the princess. Choose one of the fairies and create a dance for her and use movement and dance terminology (body, energy/effort, space, time). Include a description of the dance and why the fairy would move that way. 


Since there is no speaking in ballet, non-verbal communication or mime is very important. Describe a situation in which you might use non-verbal communication to get your point across. 


The Sleeping Beauty is a story told without using words. Instead, the artists convey the story through music, dance, and mime. How would you tell a story without using words? Break up into groups and take turns summarizing the story of The Sleeping Beauty a favorite fairy tale without speaking. 



What do you think makes music “danceable”?

What other music makes you want to dance?

What are the main qualities they have? Rhythm, melody, passion?

Listen to a range of different music and try to imagine the type of movements that would suit each of the pieces.


Supporting Sources:

Pittsburg Ballet Theatre Department of Education and Community Engagement, 2014.

Queensland Ballet Education Program, 2015.

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