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DEIB: Resources for Classrooms

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  • School Is No Place for Class(ism)  The language educators use to address students can maintain and reinforce class structures and classist attitudes. The antidote? Anti-classist language.

Anti-Ableism Classroom Strategies

Classroom Strategies for Discussing Race and Racism

To facilitate difficult conversations about race and racism, here are some essential prerequisites to consider:

  1. First, recognize that you play a critical role in helping students talk openly about the historical roots and manifestations of social inequality and discrimination.
  2. Second, reflect on your racial, ethnic, cultural, and unconscious biases. Your experience with diversity, racism, privilege, and people of color influences your ability to have these conversations.
  3. Third, acknowledge the challenges of changing your frame of reference about race and racism. Learning to talk about topics such as white privilege, systems of oppression, racism, police violence, and mass incarceration takes practice and courage, regardless of how long you have been teaching.
  4. Finally, be willing to adapt instructional practices, classroom management, and motivational techniques.
  5. Clarify the meaning of race and racism.
  6. Acknowledge the fear of offending, discomfort, and risk of discussing race. Create a safe space that sets the stage for a respectful and honest conversation that is civil and where everyone can voice their views. Focus on the desired outcome of the conversation and the process of engaging students in the dialogue.
  7. Use stories and metaphors as examples that people can connect with. People ignore data that does not fit their perceptions, but stories are compelling. Telling stories is also an effective way to teach, persuade, and understand ourselves.
  8. Please focus on the context in which racial conflict and racism occur and address its impact. Talk about structures, policies, practices, and norms. People are more likely to engage in a dialogue about institutional racism when no accusations or blame are directed at them.
  9. Focus on shared values such as equality, security, liberty, dignity, and respect for others as articulated in the NASW Code of Ethics.
  10. Talk about solutions and problems so that people feel there is a way to make a difference and not feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem.
  11. Frame (or reframe) issues to identify the problem and how it can be addressed. Successful framing puts you in a favorable position to direct the discussion and improves the chances of a successful solution.
  12. Explore explanations for the disparities. Differences are not always "bad" or "negative." Help students examine the basis of observed differences.
  13. Address blatant racist assertions and allow your students and yourself to process what was said.
  14. Use reflective writing assignments to launch discussion and make sure everyone in the classroom shares their perspective and rationale.
  15. Draw from a wide array of materials (i.e., readings, videos, audio clips, images/symbols) to help you deal with what is uncomfortable and unfamiliar in the conversation.

Adapted from: Smith-Maddox, Renee. The Office of Diversity, equity, and Inclusion. The University of Southern California, 2019.

Gender/Sexuality Inclusive Classroom Strategies


In an effort at full disclosure, it should be noted that the collaborators in this guide occupy some of the oppressed identities outlined here but not all. We have attempted to bring together quality, relevant resources for the anti-oppression issues in this guide. Still, we are not immune from the limits and hidden biases of our privileges and perspectives as allies.

We welcome any feedback and suggestions for the guide, particularly from the perspectives and experiences of the marginalized groups listed and not listed here.

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